Showing posts with label Lifestyle Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle Tips & Tricks. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

What is Omega-3? Why eat?

Many have heard about the need for Omega-3 fatty acids. But what exactly is this fatty acid? Why do you have to eat this omega-3? What are the benefits? Many people do not know the answer to these. Let's know about 'Omega-3'. About 60 percent of our brain is this fatty acid. Fatty acids are very important in making cell membranes, hormones, signaling messengers, etc. Scientists have divided these beneficial fatty acids into two categories - essential and less essential fatty acids. Most of these essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body. Must be taken from food. The most essential of these are omega-3 fatty acids. Meanwhile, less essential fatty acids can be produced by the body itself through various chemical reactions. What is Omega-3? 

'Omega-3' is a type of unsaturated fat. As only health-conscious people know, saturated fat is bad for the heart. Foods containing oil and fat are therefore not acceptable after a certain age. But eating foods rich in unsaturated fats is not prohibited, rather it increases the number of beneficial fats in the blood and has many benefits for the body. There are several types of 'omega-3' fats in nature. Among them, 'alpha linoleic' acid is found in some vegetable foods or oils. On the other hand, 'Eicosa pentanoic acid' and 'Docosa hexanoic acid' are found in seafood. According to medical scientists, there are three main ingredients in our diet. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Among these, the main function of fat is to provide energy to the body. Fat provides more than twice as much energy as an equivalent amount of carbohydrate or protein. There are three types of body fat - triglycerides, Cholesterol, and phospholipids. The number of triglycerides is the highest among them. Triglycerides are formed by combining three fatty acids with glycerol. Fats made up of saturated or saturated fatty acids increase cholesterol levels in the body and stick to the lining of the arteries. In this, the diameter of the artery becomes smaller. As a result, blood pressure increases. Sources of saturated fatty acids include milk, ghee, butter, meat, cream, eggs, chocolate, etc. These saturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fatty acids are liquid. Monounsaturated fats are found in all types of nuts, olive oil, and canola oil. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL, the bad cholesterol in the blood. So its use undoubtedly prevents cholesterol-related artery disease by reducing the level of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. Polyunsaturated fats are found in soybean, sunflower oil, corn, etc. Omega-3 functions In corn etc. Omega-3 functions In corn etc. Omega-3 functions In corn etc. Omega-3 functions In corn etc. Omega-3 functions in corn etc. 

Omega-3 functions In corn etc. Omega-3 functions Chocolate etc. are sources of saturated fatty acids. These saturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fatty acids are liquid. Monounsaturated fats are found in all types of nuts, olive oil, and canola oil. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL, the bad cholesterol in the blood. So its use undoubtedly prevents cholesterol-related artery disease by reducing the level of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. Polyunsaturated fats are found in soybean, sunflower oil, corn, etc. Omega-3 functions Chocolate etc. are sources of saturated fatty acids. These saturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fatty acids are liquid. Monounsaturated fats are found in all types of nuts, olive oil, and canola oil. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL, the bad cholesterol in the blood. So its use undoubtedly prevents cholesterol-related artery disease by reducing the level of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. Polyunsaturated fats are found in soybean, sunflower oil, corn, etc. Omega-3 functions In sunflower oil, corn, etc. Omega-3 functions In sunflower oil, corn, etc. Omega-3 functions Reducing inflammation, preventing unnecessary blood clotting, increasing the effectiveness of insulin, reducing blood cholesterol, reducing platelet aggregation, reducing blood triglycerides, preventing the growth of cancer cells, thickening blood vessels, helping to expand blood vessels, increasing the body's immunity, etc.
Diseases in which Omega-3 is beneficial Preventing heart disease, keeping the heart strong, controlling blood triglycerides, and preventing strokes by lowering cholesterol. A sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acid is required for increasing the body's immunity, reducing blood pressure, mental diseases such as depression, dementia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and healthy growth of children. Prevention of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Where are omega-3s found? Omega-3 is found in vegetable oils such as linseed oil and canola oil. which is not used in our country. Meanwhile, due to the high content of omega-6 in soybean oil, it should be used in moderation. Marine fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3. In addition, studies have found that omega-3 can be found in fish oil such as roe fish, pangus, magur among native fish; So that the balance of Omega-3 and 6 is present in precisely the right amount. Omega-3s are also found in seeds. Fish eggs contain a good amount of omega-3 along with harmful fats. 1 teaspoon of fish eggs contains about 342 mg of omega-3. A variety of nuts contain omega-3. Nuts such as walnuts, and pistachios have the highest amount of them. Vegetables such as spinach, Broccoli, etc. contain a substantial amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Purnava Limited is marketing eggs rich in omega-3 fatty acids in the country's market. Meanwhile, excessive omega-3 (more than 3 grams) a day increases the risk of serious diseases such as stroke. Therefore, the balance of Omega-3 and 6 should be taken knowingly.

What is Omega-3? Why eat?

Many have heard about the need for Omega-3 fatty acids. But what exactly is this fatty acid? Why do you have to eat this omega-3? What are t...